Help The Truckee Roundhouse

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Truckee Roundhouse Community Makerspace
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To raise operating capital and keep the Truckee Roundhouse affordable for our community


raised by 5 people

$5,000 goal

Update - 2023 Giving Campaign

Update posted 5 months ago
Hi! Thanks for visiting this page. This year, every little bit helps - even a gift of $50 can really hep the Roundhouse stay open to support local makers and artists.  Without the contest, our giving is down 50% from last year.  

Truckee Roundhouse is a community-created, community-run, community-benefiting non-profit makerspace located at the Truckee-Tahoe Airport.

In our 4,800-square-foot renovated storage hanger, we offer five fully functioning shops -- Wood, Metal, Textiles, Ceramics, and Technology with high- quality tools, including cutting edge CNC machines such as Laser Cutters, Plasma Cutters, and 3D printers.  We are almost entirely volunteer-run, with 45 volunteers who staff the front desk, maintain tools and machinery, orient members, and promote the space.

Our mission is to support the teaching, learning, and practicing of a wide variety of crafts, skills, technologies, and arts in the Truckee-Tahoe community. We achieve this by providing accessible resources – tools and teachers and programs – in a collaborative environment for youth and adults so that all members of our community can explore their creative potential.

Since our opening in December 2016, we have been bringing community together, making a positive impact on education, youth development, and the arts.



There are four ways for the public to engage with us: 1) as independent users with monthly or annual memberships, working in a collaborative environment; 2) in group classes and workshops that teach tool usage and inspire creativity via special projects; 3) through our Education and Community Enrichment Program with school and nonprofit partners, 4) at our inclusive, FREE, public outreach making events.

3D CNC Birch Model of Yosemite Valley made at the Roundhouse by Grant Kaye /


The Truckee Roundhouse serves the North Lake Tahoe area with creative and arts programming. We exist for EVERY member of our community and work to include individuals and groups from all sectors in our outreach. We have more than 220 members, ranging in age from 12 to 75. These may be retiree guitar makers or furniture builders, entrepreneurs using the space to develop prototypes, families doing group projects, or artists making gallery pieces; there is no limit to the type of users the space attracts.



Education and Community Enrichment Programs

We provide high-quality tools and instruction so youth and community groups can immediately begin to learn and create projects in a safe and engaging environment.  Professionals and experienced users mentor the students, who celebrate the joy of making something with their own hands as they learn project design and teamwork. The making process helps develop problem-solving skills, self-esteem, and resilience.  As they exercise creativity to build custom projects, they also apply principles of math and science to real life situations.

Scholarships & Partnerships

We offer need-based scholarships and subsidized memberships. As a nonprofit, we  must raise the funds to offer scholarships or discounted rates because our costs are real, and your donations helps us do this.

Our partnerships reveal how closely we are tied to our community and the diversity of who we serve: North Tahoe Boys and Girls Club, Sierra College, Creekside Charter School, Tahoe Expeditionary Academy (TEA), Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, CHOICES Adult Services, Arts in Wellness, AIM High, Sierra Continuation High School (Sources of Strength Program), Sierra Expeditionary Learning Academy (SELS), Sierra Watershed Education Partnership (SWEP), Keep Truckee Green (Town of Truckee initiative), Forest Charter School (Program in Human-Centered Design), and more.

Affordable Membership Rates

We strive to be an inclusive, accessible resource for all members in our community. We understand the cost of living is high in our area and seek private and grant funding to keep our monthly membership rates affordable for all. 

Personal Note:

I am proud to have been a part of the team of community members who gave birth to both the idea and the reality of the Truckee Roundhouse. As far back as 2011 my friends and I had been dreaming of the importance of and need for a place like the Roundhouse in our community.  I am honored that 9 years later it is still providing a safe, functional, welcoming space for art, collaboration, making, and learning. 

The Pandemic has brought challenging times for just about everyone in Truckee/Tahoe, and these times are especially challenging for a collaborative community art space with shared tools in a hangar at the airport. Karyn (our Executive Director), our Board, and our amazing volunteers have worked tirelessly since the first shut down in March to keep the Roundhouse open and available to our community. 

In the year of COVID-19, our revenues are understandably way, way down due to our inability to host groups, run at our typical membership levels, or facilitate school programs due to government health requirements. Therefore, this year more than ever we need your help - your donation to the Roundhouse is literally going to keep our dream alive.  


This fundraiser supports

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Truckee Roundhouse Community Makerspace

Organized By Grant Kaye

Giving Activity


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