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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Headwaters Science Institute
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Thank you for being part of the Headwaters mission of fostering curiosity through science.


raised by 1 people

$5,000 goal

It is important for our students to gain new science skills, understand the process of research, and develop an interest and understanding of science. Past programs have found: 

  • 90% of the students agree that after participation they have learned something they would not have in the traditional science classroom

  • The percentage of students interested in a science-related career increased by 23.4% to 63% after participating in our program.

  • 66% of students who participated in our program reported overcoming challenges in their project.

  • After participation, 87% of students report being familiar with scientific research.

  • 93% of students are confident in their ability to apply the scientific method.

  • 90% of students indicate that they like science more after participating in the program, 16% of those students saying “a lot more than before”.

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